Dick's Funeral

2013 January 29

Created by Geri 11 years ago
Dick's funeral was held at Eastbourne Crematorium East Sussex at 3.15pm on Tuesday 29th January 2013. Dick's grandaughter Cathy and Grandson Stuart did readings and Geri wrote a tribute to her Dad which was read out by the service leader, Philip Coleman. The opening music was 'May Each Day' by Andy Williams, followed by All Things Bright and Beautiful which was enhanced by everyone shouting out All together now! before the last chorus (this was one of Dick's favourite moments whenever he had to sing this hymn) which never failed to make everyone laugh. The goodbye song was Bring Me Sunshine by Willie Nelson who delivered it in a country and western 'boom ching' way how Dick would have played it himself when he would regale us all with his musical interludes on the keyboard/organ at home. The service was peaceful, calm and lovely and hopefully just as he would have wished. Friends and family attending all expressed their love and condolences to Pat, Geri and the rest of the family in their loss of such a loving and kind husband, father, grandfather and uncle and more recently, great-grandfather - known affectionately by all the great-children as 'Big Grandad'. Pat and Geri would like to express their sincere appreciation to everyone for coming to say goodbye to Dick, and especially to those who had long journeys and battled the elements of wind and rain to get there. Heartfelt thanks xxx
